Thrive with Confidence
Welcome to “Thrive with Confidence!” Listen to the Advisors from Acquios discuss the Alliance, a buying group that connects private practices with trusted vendors and expert support. We will feature discussion with our Vendor partners and Optometrist members, while we explore topics that will Empower Your Independence! If you would like to learn more about Acquios Alliance, please head to acquiosalliance.com or check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/acquiosalliance/. Our Theme Song is "On My Way" by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4163-on-my-wayLicense: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Thrive with Confidence
Vendor Spotlight: Super Optical and FastGrind System
Listen in as Scott chats with Andy Hawes, Owner and CEO, and Hugh McManus, Vice President of Sales, with Super Optical International.
During their conversation, Andy and Hugh share insight on Super Optical's revolutionary modified surfacing system, FastGrind. They discuss how this system allows private practices to offer competitive lens service and how little space it actually takes up in a practice's optical lab! In addition to FastGrind, Scott learns about the fantastic lens product Super Optical offers like VisionAir.
To learn more about Super Optical and FastGrind, visit their website Superoptical.com.
You can reach out to us at info@acquiosalliance.com to get in contact with Hugh!